Erasmus+ KA-229 project "Think Green"
Erasmus+ KA-229 project "Think Green" with 4 partner schools from Bulgaria, Latvia, Romania and Turkey involved. The duration of the project 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2020.
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The ‘Think Green’ project is a reflection of an important global issue, the solution of which could be found for a given region with the participation of at least several countries. Common issues unite people and motivate them to look for common solutions. Harmony between the human creator and the human being is needed.
The primary objective of this project, which includes five schools from five different countries, is to help form an ecological attitude towards nature. The participants will focus their efforts on modern man and make him change his attitude to the habitable world because the trouble of modern man is that he has become a consumer of nature.
This is a project that will raise the question for the responsibility to the next generations. Its aim is to help young people change not only their attitude towards nature, but also to make adjustments to ethics and their value systems.
Therefore each partner will explore the renewable energy sources in his region or country and will present them to his project partners and all of them together at a round table will look for answers to questions like: How to save energy at home and at school, what and how to recycle, how to store energy?
This is a project that aims at alarming as many people as possible in Europe. That’s why, we will make an interactive map of the renewable energy sources in the region where students live, in order to stimulate their interest in green energy.
During the trainings we will visit a photovoltaic or a wind farm in the given region to find out about the benefits of this energy. This will also help form a civic position and a desire for coping with the apathy of modern man, who lives with the thought that this does not affect him and nothing depends on him. In addition, we will make sure to include students with special educational needs to find their place in the project and not to feel isolated, unworthy and a burden to society. They will gather materials for recycling and disseminate brochures.
Our project will act as a call for help and as a result we expect to educate young people with an active civic position. Once the project is completed, students’ participation in civic initiatives for the promotion of renewable energy will be the proof that we have achieved our primary goal and have signaled that there is still a chance for the Earth to be saved before it is too late.
The project will encourage multicultural education, tolerance and will also provoke desire in each participant to preserve nature and seek alternative energy sources. We hope this desire to be contagious and to attract more and more people to the ideas of the project. One of the best activities will be publishing students’ essays in a collection. The beginning that we set for our ‘green initiatives’ will be followed by new similar acts that will be spread like a domino.
Learning, teaching and training activities will bring together pupils and teachers from different European countries, and this will help the collaboration of people belonging to different cultures. This cooperation will definitely be very useful and innovative and will help build trust and respect among all participants.
After each training meeting, where students will demonstrate the acquired skills, we will give them a certificate ‘Responsible for the Future’, certifying the following skills: creativity, active citizenship, defending a position and making quick decisions, logical and creative thinking. Each creative product will receive a certificate.
We will try to teach our students to think creatively and critically about issues related to alternative energy sources. Students will gain confidence that they know and can be responsible and that they are part of the future of the world. It is becoming more and more evident that conventional education can no longer provide optimal knowledge for modern society. Therefore, we will apply new, interactive practices at our training meetings which operate on a principle, different from the one so far. We would also like to apply an alternative approach to the learning process. We will cooperate with non-governmental organizations, local student parliaments, local formal and informal institutions and schools in the region to disseminate the project results and products. The sustainability of the project will be ensured by shooting films during meetings which will be available on CDs for each participant. The products from recycled materials will be distributed after project’s end, too, because we believe that perseverance and tenacity are what is needed for the successful realization of our common goal.
The ‘Think Green’ project
The ‘Think Green’ project is a reflection of an important global issue, the solution of which could be found for a given region with the participation of at least several countries. Common issues unite people and motivate them to look for common solutions. Harmony between the human creator and the human being is needed.
Learning, teaching and training activities
Learning, teaching and training activities will bring together pupils and teachers from different European countries, and this will help the collaboration of people belonging to different cultures. This cooperation will definitely be very useful and innovative and will help build trust and respect among all participants.

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Erasmus+ KA-229 project "Think Green" with 4 partner schools from Bulgaria, Latvia, Romania and Turkey involved. The duration of the project 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2020.
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