The Vocational High School of Tourism ended an eco-project with a working meeting in Riga
A closing meeting on the “Think Green” project of the Erasmus+ European program was held from 6-12 July in the Latvian capital Riga. Project participants from Latvia, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey started their activity 3 years ago and held many common initiatives. Together they have created 16 project products and had 4 meetings. After partners were forced to postpone the final meeting 3 times due to the Covid crisis, they finally managed to make it happen. The project has set as a goal to alarm as many people as possible about the global environmental problems that the silent nature faces. Everyone participating in the project focused their efforts to make a change in the attitude of the contemporary human towards his planet and overcome the negligence to the irreversible damage that people cause. Common issues united people from different countries and motivated them to look for alternative decisions to energy problems. The exchange of ideas from people living in various conditions and life situations, where the educational systems are different, turned out to be very productive in terms of giving birth to ideas that are applicable everywhere. Students made products from recycled materials, models and an interactive map of the renewable energy sources; held a roundtable on the problems of recycling and energy saving, created a visualization of the future of the Planet. These are just some of the activities with which they want to change the attitude of modern man towards nature and make corrections in the ethics and value system. At the meeting in Riga, the students Iskren Murdzhev, Magdalena Doncheva, Simona Stefanova, Stefani Dyankova, Preslava Dyakova, Nikol Petkova, Todor Nikolov, Petar Bakardzhiev and Yani Mitev presented the project they have created about ecotourism in Bulgaria. Their teachers Valya Pileva, Polya Yankova, Aneliya Staykova, Neli Georgieva and Galina Yordanova shared that the project has significantly contributed to raising confident young people who have become more eager to learn with an opinion of their own. They now have a vision for the things they want to achieve and have an idea how to make it.
“This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the personal view of its author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for the use of the information contained therein."