Erasmusdays 2020 in Vocational High School of Tourism
Vocational High School of Toursim “Dr Vassil Beron” took part in the days dedicated to Erasmus+ for yet another year. The true aim of this event was to present the positive impact, the benefits of the educational mobility and the importance of the Erasmus+ program. The green activists from the “Think Green” project carried out their latest activity by planting 30 trees in “Druzhba” Park in Veliko Tarnovo. Their initiative is dedicated to the 30 th anniversary of the Erasmus+ program and is an appeal for saving the Planet. The participants in this project have been focusing their efforts on changing modern attitudes towards their inhabited world for two years now.
Together with their partners from Latvia, Romania and Turkey, the students from the High School of Tourism are trying to restore the harmony between the human who creates and the one who inhabits this Planet. With joint efforts, the students created a visualization of the future of the Planet, an interactive map of the renewable energy sources, objects from recycled materials, explored ways how to save energy, published a collection of essays on environmental issues and motivated their friends and classmates to use the energy sources sparingly and sensibly. With their yet another green initiative – planting trees in the center of the city, they want to give a breath of fresh air to the Planet, which is suffocating because of human irresponsibility and to change the attitude of their contemporaries towards nature. The young people proved that the activities under their favorite Erasmus+ program could take place even in the Covid-19 pandemic.
For the successful implementation of the initiative, the students were supported by the Department of Environment of the Veliko Tarnovo Municipality and the State Forest Nursery "Dzhulyunitsa". The last working meeting on the project is forthcoming in the city of Riga, Latvia, which all participants in the project are looking forward to.