New project initiatives at Vocational High School of Tourism “Dr Vassil Beron”
For a week, ten students and four teachers from the Vocational High School of Tourism in Veliko Tarnovo visited their project partners in Sibiu, Romania. The meeting is on the “Think Green” project of the European Erasmus+ program. The project started in 2018 with partners from Latvia, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria. The Bulgarian school is a coordinator of the project. The main objective that all partners set is to help young people change not only their attitude towards nature, but also make adjustments in the ethics and value system, so that the contemporary man could change his attitude towards the habitable world. Common issues unite people and motivate them to seek common solutions. Students from different countries are trying to solve a small, in the light of their capabilities energetic problem, but all of them are convinced that a solar revolution is taking place in the world as we speak, and in the next 20-25 years solar energy will be the main energy in the global economy.
The meeting in Sibiu is the third one on the project and results show that the exchange of ideas from people who live under different conditions and situations and where the educational systems are different, could turn to be very productive in giving birth to ideas that are applicable everywhere. Students showed models of renewable energy sources that they had made themselves, discussed their applicability and exchanged ideas. A subject for serious future reflection was raised by the photo exhibition “For a Clean World” with which the students from the four schools want to once again warn the world about the upcoming environmental catastrophe. All students were very enthusiastic about making objects from recycled materials. The exhibition impressed with originality and beauty of the products made by the children, which can truly be called works of art. An unforgettable experience for the participants will remain the “Ecology of Time” initiative, held at the Dracula Castle in Bran.
“Make something good for nature every day” is the appeal, which the young environmentalists and their teachers want to make towards their contemporaries, because the responsibility to future generations makes us human beings, not just temporary inhabitants of our Planet.
The next project meeting will be held in the Latvian capital of Riga in April, 2020. There, students will present their interactive map of renewable energy and visualize the future of the Planet. Interest is high, as are expectations.
“This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the personal view of its author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for the use of the information contained therein.”